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Flights to Sochi

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Weather in Sochi

Light rain
wind: northeast, 0,6 m/s
humidity: 97%
pressure: 1006 mm
May 4
Light rain
May 5
Light rain
May 6
Light rain

Sochi – the Olympic capital of Russian summer

Even when the city was not being stormed by millions of Olympic tourists, Sochi had always enjoyed close attention from locals. The city with its outskirt areas and the Adlersky district (or Adler) is considered the unofficial Russian Summer capital, which beckons with its sandy Black sea shores and natural waterfalls. The city also creates interest with its Russian tea plantation. Therefore, Sochi will happily welcome any fan of tea, sports, and relaxing beaches.

How to travel?

Sochi airport, one of ten biggest international Russian airports, is located just near the city and not too far from the Adlersky district. You can reach those by using bus, minibus, taxi, or train services. Sightseeing objects can later be reached by a rental bike, a minibus, a trolleybus, or a bus.

What to taste?

Sochi territory holds a mix of Greek, Caucasian, and Russian culinary traditions. We recommend trying some chicken breast with hazelnuts and walnuts, and order some local shashlik, khinkalis (steamed dumplings with meat), and khachapuri bread with egg filling.

Sochi will not disappoint any traditional Russian cuisine lovers. You can taste spicy beef soup with tomatoes, and beetroots, known as solyanka, as well as crepes with natural caviar, salmon or honey. We recommend ordering some beer or kvass for a refreshing drink, which is great coupled with cheese doughnuts, dried fish, and home-made cheese snacks.

What to see?

Sochi and Adler are both proud of their typical ancient Russian architecture buildings, but there are also some different influences apparent here as well. Adler is the place of striking Russian orthodox churches of the Holy Spirit and Holy Trinity. Just nearby you can see a different kind of faith building, the Armenian St. Sarki’s Cathedral.

Sochi train station, harbour, and Art museum buildings are definitely among some of the most impressive in the city (and you should also pay a closer look to the museum’s exhibitions). These buildings create an interesting contrast to the Byzantine Loo Temple ruins in the city centre.

If you like to delve into the past, head over to visit history museums and also pay a visit to Stalin’s dacha (summer residence). Nature will astonish everyone with its exquisite beauty: definitely go and see the vast Sochi Arboretum (Dendrarium), Agura River Waterfalls, and Discovery World aquarium.

What to do?

Black Sea shores are perfect for relaxation and resting. If you, however, wish to find something energetic to do, go on a trip to the Caucasus Mountain for skiing (Krasnaja Polyania resort), visit the Ice Palace near Adler for some fun skating, or head over to the Sochi Riviera Park of Culture and Leisure.

Return gifts are best found in the marketplaces of both cities, as well as in Sochi Alley. Great purchase idea is traditional black tea of a single sort simply known as “Russian black tea”. Taste it, and you will always remember that Sochi is more than an Olympic city – it’s also a place of cosiness, relaxation, culture, and beautiful nature.

All flights to Sochi

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