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Flights to Kaliningrad

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Weather in Kaliningrad

Broken clouds
wind: southwest, 0,6 m/s
humidity: 98%
pressure: 1019 mm
January 16
Broken clouds
January 17
Scattered clouds
January 18
Few clouds

Kaliningrad: King’s city developed by Prussians

In a few hundred years, a simple Prussian settlement grew into a big city of Karaliaučius (King’s town). After another few decades, the city became known as Kaliningrad. Its area is well known for everyone interested in Lithuanian history. However, the city of Kaliningrad is also known for its locals’ welcoming attitude, war-resisting sanctuaries, striking museums, and nature untouched by humans.

How to travel?

Cheap flights to Kaliningrad reach their finish at the international Khrabrovo airport, located 24 kilometres outside Kaliningrad itself. However, this distance can be overcome using a taxi, a bus, or a minibus. Inside the city, cosy retro trams and trolleys are also available.

What to taste?

Modern Kaliningrad cuisine consists of dishes of different nationalities. Former Karaliaučius offers Lithuanian, Danish, Russian, Czech, and Polish dishes. Ancient Prussian dishes are also available in several restaurants. We recommend ordering some meat balls with white sauce (Konigsberger Klopse), choosing between several kinds of salad, and tasting a delicious local d made from fish.

Other available dishes that are traditionally German are cheese soup with sausages (rugen), home-made sausage, and fish pie. You can quench your thirst with the help of beer or delicious kvass. If you feel like something sweet, try almond candies with rose water, a well known treat even back in the 19th century Karaliaučius. Kaliningrad is also famous for its two sorts of authentic vodka.

What to see?

Even though bombing attacks during the Second World War destroyed most of the city, there are still some old buildings left today. One of those is the Cathedral of the Kant island, guarding the grave of Immanuel Kant. Also worth visiting are the gracious Queen Louise Memorial Church and its puppet theatre, the Lutheran Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, and the nearby central square.

Kaliningrad is proud of its many museums. Take some time to visit the Amber, History, Arts, and World Ocean museums. Great impressions are guaranteed if you choose to visit the museum-bunker and submarine that can be observed from inside.

What to do?

If you’re travelling with children, pay a visit to the city zoo. Both romantic couples and bigger families will be happy to hike outside the city, spend an hour trying to break out of a puzzle room, or visiting city festivals.

Nearby sea beckons with its calming sounds; here you will see breathtakingly high dunes, beautiful seashores, and vast amounts of water that’s perfect for taking a refreshing swim. Striking architecture, museums, cosy streets, delicious and filling food are all things that the royal Kaliningrad offers its visitors, in spite of hardships that history brought.

All flights to Kaliningrad

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