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Plane tickets Frankfurt–Houston from €777.84

Best flight prices from Frankfurt to Houston

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One way Frankfurt Houston



Schedule of direct flights between Frankfurt and Houston

Here we give the schedule of direct flights between Frankfurt and Houston. You can purchase tickets to this flights by using our search and booking form above.

Open direct flights from Frankfurt to Houston schedule
day of week departure arrival airline flight number Duration aircraft
United Airlines
LH 440
UA 8866
11 h 40 minAirbus A330-300  
13:5018:20LufthansaLH 760111 h 30 minBoeing 777  
13:5517:45United AirlinesUA 4710 h 50 minBoeing 777  
United Airlines
LH 440
UA 8866
10 h 35 minBoeing 747-400  
13:5518:00LufthansaLH 760111 h 5 minBoeing 777  
13:5517:45United AirlinesUA 4710 h 50 minBoeing 777  
10:0014:40LufthansaLH 44011 h 40 minAirbus A330-300  
10:0013:35United AirlinesUA 886610 h 35 minBoeing 747-400  
13:5018:20United AirlinesUA 4711 h 30 minBoeing 777  
13:5517:45LufthansaLH 760110 h 50 minBoeing 777  
10:0014:40LufthansaLH 44011 h 40 minAirbus A330-300  
10:0013:35United AirlinesUA 886610 h 35 minBoeing 747-400  
United Airlines
LH 7601
UA 47
11 h 30 minBoeing 777  
10:0014:40LufthansaLH 44011 h 40 minAirbus A330-300  
10:0013:35United AirlinesUA 886610 h 35 minBoeing 747-400  
United Airlines
LH 7601
UA 47
10 h 50 minBoeing 777  
10:0013:35LufthansaLH 44010 h 35 minBoeing 747-8i  
10:0014:40United AirlinesUA 886611 h 40 minAirbus A330-300  
United Airlines
LH 7601
UA 47
11 h 30 minBoeing 777  
United Airlines
LH 440
UA 8866
10 h 35 minBoeing 747-400  
13:5018:20LufthansaLH 760111 h 30 minBoeing 777  
13:5517:45United AirlinesUA 4710 h 50 minBoeing 777  


Flight LH 440 / UA 8866: 10:00 – 15:40 (11 h 40 min)
Flight LH 7601: 13:50 – 18:20 (11 h 30 min)
Flight UA 47: 13:55 – 17:45 (10 h 50 min)


Flight LH 440 / UA 8866: 10:00 – 13:35 (10 h 35 min)
Flight LH 7601: 13:55 – 18:00 (11 h 5 min)
Flight UA 47: 13:55 – 17:45 (10 h 50 min)


Flight LH 440: 10:00 – 14:40 (11 h 40 min)
Flight UA 8866: 10:00 – 13:35 (10 h 35 min)
Flight UA 47: 13:50 – 18:20 (11 h 30 min)
Flight LH 7601: 13:55 – 17:45 (10 h 50 min)


Flight LH 440: 10:00 – 14:40 (11 h 40 min)
Flight UA 8866: 10:00 – 13:35 (10 h 35 min)
Flight LH 7601 / UA 47: 13:50 – 18:20 (11 h 30 min)


Flight LH 440: 10:00 – 14:40 (11 h 40 min)
Flight UA 8866: 10:00 – 13:35 (10 h 35 min)
Flight LH 7601 / UA 47: 13:55 – 17:45 (10 h 50 min)


Flight LH 440: 10:00 – 13:35 (10 h 35 min)
Flight UA 8866: 10:00 – 14:40 (11 h 40 min)
Flight LH 7601 / UA 47: 13:50 – 18:20 (11 h 30 min)


Flight LH 440 / UA 8866: 10:00 – 13:35 (10 h 35 min)
Flight LH 7601: 13:50 – 18:20 (11 h 30 min)
Flight UA 47: 13:55 – 17:45 (10 h 50 min)

Flight Frankfurt - Houston belongs to UAB "Baltic Clipper"

Enterprise Code: 110437597
VAT Code: LT104375917
address: Laisvės al. 61-1, Kaunas, LT-44304, Lithuania
email: [email protected]

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Workdays — 8:00-19:00
Weekends/Holidays — closed