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Flights to Birmingham

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Eye-catching Birmingham

An important economical city of Great Britain and the largest city outside of London, Birmingham beckons with its many buildings and services offered. Many will always instantly choose visiting the capital city of London but you should try and take your preconceptions aside and for once view Birmingham as the centre of attention. See the city in all its colours and get to know it better up close.

How to travel?

Direct cheap flights from Lithuania will take you straight to Birmingham, and you will only need to cross the 13 kilometre distance from the airport to the city centre. This can be done by a train that arrives every 10 minutes or so. For those who miss peace, calm, and some fresh air, can choose to go on foot, while pausing at one of many green little parks on your way.

What to taste?

Birmingham will undoubtedly offer the best traditional British cuisine dishes: full English breakfast, Sunday roast, or heavenly smelling apple pie. Although British cuisine is considered to be quite simple, definitely check out traditional pudding or the roasted turkey dish, irreplaceable on Christmas.

Also popular is apple sauce, which will be a great addition to porridge, pancakes, and as a filling for apple pastries.

You simply must try some beef steak pie, minced meat pie, and beef, onion and potato pie. All these meals are a perfect reflection on cuisines of Birmingham, and Britain as a whole, as it looks simple at first, but is definitely worth trying and becomes memorable afterwards.

What to see?

Birmingham history began in roughly the 6th century, and the city now retains some ancient architecture buildings, and these make the city a great place for a walk.

The city is also full of museums, parks, churches and, of course, nightlife attractions in the form of clubs, bars, and restaurants. Probably the most striking detail about the city is its many water canals perfect for swimming around and observing numerous wonderful bridges and buildings. The city also beckons with its cosy shops, and while you’re on your way to visit them, don’t forget to see the majestic Victoria Square.

What to do?

You should pay a visit to the Chocolate Museum that wows with its delicious aromas and tastes. Birmingham is a lively city that has offers some of the best nightlife entertainment possibilities in the whole United Kingdom. Broad and Arcadian streets are especially popular places with plenty of great drinks, loud music and joyous atmosphere to offer. So grab your significant other or all of your friends and head over to the colourful Birmingham for a fun and careless weekend holiday.

The schedule of direct flights to Birmingham

Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki – Birmingham

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