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1 passenger
(Older then 12)
(From 2 to 12)
(Under 2)
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3,89/5 (votes: 9)

Flights to Malatya

To get all flight offers to Malatya, in the search form above enter or select departure city/airport, indicate the flight date(s) and the number of passengers and hit "Find Tickets" button. If flights are available for selected search parameters, we will present all offers from cheapest or from fastest flight. In the flight offers to Malatya you will see prices and all flight details (departure and arrival times, flight numbers, information about bagggage, fare rules, payment deadlines.)

If our system will not return any offers for flights to Malatya, try to change search parameters, such as flight dates, departure of arrival airports, and perform a new search

Weather in Malatya

Broken clouds
wind: southeast, 0,0 m/s
humidity: 58%
pressure: 1027 mm
January 23
Overcast clouds
January 24
Overcast clouds
January 25
Overcast clouds

All flights to Malatya

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VAT Code: LT104375917
address: Laisvės al. 61-1, Kaunas, LT-44304, Lithuania
email: [email protected]

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Weekends/Holidays — closed


Workdays: 8:00-19:00
Weekends/Holidays: closed