Malmö – a city that unites different cultures and architecture styles
Third in size, Swedish city of Malmö is connected to Copenhagen by the Öresund bridge. However, the city itself acts like a link between numerous high quality Swedish cuisine restaurants, unique modern architecture objects and gothic, art noveu, or other style buildings, as well as a great many opportunities for entertainment.
How to travel?
City centre is located about 29 kilometres away from the Malmö Airport, and you can cross that distance on a public or rented bus.
Malmö city offers comfortable bus travel, with being able to reach any sightseeing object fast, as the buses leave every 10 minutes. However, make sure to purchase tickets beforehand, as you cannot do that on bus.
What to taste?
Malmö is a multicultural city with many traditional and modern restaurants and cafés available: both Swedish, as well as representing different worldwide cultures and cuisines, from Italian to Japanese, French, Mongolian, and Indian.
Dessert lovers should chose spättekaka for breakfast. This is a spit cake that differs from the Lithuanian one in its taste and shape. For lunch, try some traditional pancakes with bacon on top (äggakaka), which is one of the most popular Swedish dishes, irreplaceable on a festive table. Dinner is best chosen from Swedes’ beloved eel dishes; for example, eel soup or the traditional eel and cheese dish luad.
What to see?
Probably the most impressive piece of Malmö architecture is the majestic gothic Sankt Petri Church, which is 105 metre high, built in 1300, and titled as the oldest Malmö building. Another charming architectural item, built in 1903, is the Malmö synagogue, which is the only building of Art Noveau and Moorish Revival styles. Totally different to these is the modern 190 metre high skyscraper of Turning Torso, which is also the highest building in the entire Scandinavian region. Other must-see objects are Malmö's old city hall, built in three different-era architectural styles, as well as Malmö Castle that once was one of the most important strongholds of Denmark.
What to do?
Travellers looking for art will be happy to visit Malmö Art Museum, which hosts art pieces from the 16th century and up to these days, while the Moderna Museet Malmö is a museum of modern and contemporary art, housing many famous works of Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and others. Science enthusiasts should pay a visit to Malmö Technology Museum, and those who have a sweet tooth should join the sweet trip around the Malmö chocolate factory.