Spanish paradise on Earth’s coast – Málaga
Bright colours, southern sun with its gift of bronze skin tones, and pleasantly warm Mediterranean Sea at day, along with cosily lit seashore, night long parties, and waves that break on the cool sand at night. This is Málaga, one of the most beautiful Spanish resorts that has retained its ancient port-city architecture and has managed to create a wonderful atmospheric holiday destination point.
How to travel?
Travelling to this charming Spanish resort is easy: cheap flights from Vilnius airport to the Málaga international Pablo Picasso airport in the Guadameldina river valley have been available for a few years now. This way is especially for those who do not like long trips, as a one-way flight will only take up to five hours. Málaga airport is the fourth busiest airport in Spain, and every travellers comfort is important here. Near the airport, you will find a car rental point, where you can choose a economically efficient car for your entire holiday to rent.
What to taste?
If hot Málaga sun makes you feel tired and weary, local restaurants will do everything, in order for you to be able to replenish your energy reserves and just relax. Comfortable chairs under colourful sun umbrellas will beckon you, as well as an offer of tapas snack and a refreshing glass of Andalusian wine drink. Tinto de verano is a light sangria-like drink that is made from red wine, mixed with lemonade, and served with a lot of ice cubes. If you’re feeling hungry, Spaniards recommend cold garlic soup with almonds, a special recipe dish of dried and extremely thinly cut Jamon Pata Negra ham, or a unique delicacy of grilled skewered sardines.
What to see?
In Málaga, just as in Spain as a whole, you should first and foremost make sure to admire nature, before you get on with the rest of your journey. For example, crocodile farm is where breathtaking live reptile performances are taking place, and a much cosier butterfly farm is a great choice for observing multi-coloured butterflies, birds, and beautiful squirrels from up close.
Also worth visiting is Málaga cathedral that is often called the city pearl by the locals. The intricate building has been developed during a 200 years’ time period, and its architecture is a mix of gothic, renaissance, and baroque styles, with the interior decorated with famous artworks of painters and sculptors.
What to do?
If you still have some free time left, definitely go and see some live opera, flamenco, and ballet performances live at the Cervantes theatre house. This experience is a perfect closing chord for a quick or long holiday trip in the colourful, sensuous, and charming Spanish resort of Málaga.