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Flights to Johannesburg

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Weather in Johannesburg

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humidity: 76%
pressure: 1022 mm
April 30
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May 1
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May 2
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Johannesburg: glittering gold of Africa

In the middle of the African Gold rush, the wonderful city of Johannesburg was born. Today, it is one of the largest and most tourists-beloved African cities. Johannesburg is a place where N. Mandela once lived and where the apartheid was formed. Nowadays, the city is famous for being a European megalopolis-type city filled with African culture, as well as for beautiful landscapes of the nearby area.

How to travel?

Flights to the golden city reach their finish at the Tambo International (former Johannesburg) Airport. It is located at a 21 kilometre distance from the city centre, which can be reached by a bus, a train, a taxi, or a rental car. Two latter modes of transport are also best choices for inner city travels. Not every Johannesburg district is safe, and you should avoid travelling on foot.

What to taste?

Johannesburg is ready to present everything about the exotic South African Republic’s cuisine. You can choose Italian, French, or other nations’ restaurants; however, you can only taste the real authentic local cuisine by ordering African dishes. Such tastings often require courage.

If you’re ready for some novelties, order some stew cooked in layers (potjie) or Kenyan delicacy nyama na irio, which is a dish made from mashed potatoes, peas, and vegetables. Other local dishes are even more intriguing, such as chicken head or feet stew, cooked cow heads (amanquina), and cooked or baked chicken entrails (mala).

Some African snacks and desserts may seem more common and usual than others. Try ordering some grilled lamb or beef sausages boerewors, or meat, vegetables and curry buns that locals call bunny chow. For dessert, you should have a taste of the delicious sweet pudding with ice cream or malva sauce, and sweet pastries koeksisters. Local wines and traditional Rooibos tea are also worth trying out.

What to see?

The very first thing in Johannesburg that interests many tourists of the city is its likeness to many American or European mega cities. Johannesburg has thousands of modern multi-storey buildings and skyscrapers. However, new impressions are formed after hearing more about these buildings. We recommend definitely visiting the Nelson Mandela National Museum, the Apartheid Museum, and the Museum Africa that will tell you more about the country’s history and reflect on its true spirit.

Pay some time to visit the Soweto district; once a separated area for blacks not permitted into Johannesburg. Compare the area with Sandton City, which is where most of the wealthier city locals reside.

What to do?

If you’re travelling with family, do not forget to pay a visit to Johannesburg’s Zoo that’ filled with African fauna. A unique adventure awaits you in the Golden Reef City amusement park, where you can reach the gold mining sites under the city. Adrenalin, freedom, the sense of hope, and the glittering yellow of the precious metal will make a lasting impression on every curious Johannesburg’s guest.

All flights to Johannesburg

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