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Flights to Cape Town

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Weather in Cape Town

Few clouds
wind: , 2,2 m/s
humidity: 70%
pressure: 1014 mm
April 29
Scattered clouds
April 30
Scattered clouds
May 1
Scattered clouds

Cape Town – a multifaceted diamond of South Africa

Cape Town is a place where you can find anything you need for a purposeful and dream-like holiday. The city is like a gold nugget or a diamond, making the Republic of South Africa immensely proud. Cape Town shimmers in the sun because of its beautiful golden beaches, the ever-bright majestic Table Mountain, and the enchanting city lights at night.

How to travel?

The Cape Town International airport is located 20 kilometres from the city centre. To reach your hotel after landing, we recommend taking a bus, a taxi, or renting a car. Public transport in Cape Town is usually late, so you should be prepared for surprises.

What to taste?

If you wish to know what is considered delicious food in Cape Town, head over to the Long Street. Here you will find numerous restaurants offering dishes belonging to both local and foreign cuisines. Choose a restaurant and make an order of squid rings, lamb stew with pond weed (waterblommetjie bredie), glazed pork ribs, grilled meat (braai), or ground meat with eggs (bobotie).

When looking for something to snack on, make a choice from spicy dried sausages (droewors), brined beef or game meat strips (biltong), and fried corn. For dessert, try freshly prepared muffins, sweet pudding, and ice cream. Quench your thirst with a drink of local corn beer (umqombothi), non-alcoholic tonic mageu, or a cup of Rooibos tea.

What to see?

If you feel like Cape Town culture is the most interesting thing about the city, make sure to visit the Iziko South African Museum, go see the grand Parliament Palace, and take a closer look at the local flea market. Unique city aura is well felt in Malay district, which is full of spice aromas, bright colours, and minarets.

Also worth of your attention, are the impressive Castle of Good Hope, Victorian era-old houses, and the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront. Peculiar South African nature is best observed in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden that is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

What to do?

After climbing to the very top of the Cape Town symbol, Table Mountain, you can observe a breathtaking panoramic city view, which is truly impressive any time of the day or the night. Cape Point is a perfect place to admire the Ocean from above. If you, however, want to dip your toes into the water, visit any of the gorgeous beaches found both in Cape Town and outside the city.

Further adventures wait outside Cape Town. We recommend paying a visit to Cape Flats and swim to see surrounding islands and their seal colonies from up close. You can also always choose sailing as an active leisure activity, which is coincidentally the favourite pastime activity of the locals.

Cheap flights to Cape Town guarantee exotic, engaging, and fun holidays. At the end of the day, Cape Town makes up only a portion of the whole RSA. However, diamond-like Cape Town shines with so much joy that everyone will feel it reflecting on their face.

All flights to Cape Town

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