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Cheap Flights to Philippines from €456.45

Best offers to Philippines cities
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Useful advice for travelling to Philippines (PH)

Cheap flights to the Philippines will let you momentarily forget all your everyday problems and go where sun is always shining, ocean waves are bright blue, and tropical forests are just two steps away. More than a 1000 of islands, connecting together and forming a unity of entertainment, impressive cultural background and mental or physical relaxation. The Philippines are proud of their cheap and easily accessible transport system, and all needs of any guest are to be catered to here.

Preparing for the trip

Lithuanian tourists will not require a visa to enter the Philippines. However, while visiting the country, you must have return tickets or tickets for other trip to another country in your possession.

Before heading to visit the various islands and cities, you will need to acquire a health insurance, purchase some anti-malaria medicine, and get vaccinated against typhoid fever and hepatitis A and B. It is also recommended to get re-vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria if necessary.

Transportation and travel charges

The best ways to get better acquainted with the Philippines are to use water and land transport: buses, ferries, planes, three-wheeled motorcycles, taxis, or rental cars. The city of Manila, located in the island of Luzon, also offers train services.

You can pay for your purchases using official local currency, the Philippine peso (PHP). One peso is equal to approximately 0.016 euro. Living costs in Bahrain are lower than in Lithuania. For example, you can have lunch in a cheap restaurant for 120 pesos and buy a cappuccino for about 96.50. In local shops, a 1.5 litre water bottle will cost you 35 pesos; you can buy one kilogram of rice for about 44.30 pesos, while one kilogram of chicken breast will cost you approximately 151. Public transport tickets cost about 151 peso, and a one kilometre long taxi ride will cost you about 15.

Additional information:

  • Official languages are Filipino and English.
  • Philippines belong to the UTC +8 time zone.
  • Direct distance from Vilnius to the Philippine’s capital manila is equal to approximately 5665 kilometres.
  • Best return gifts choices

    One of the most original Philippine souvenirs is a long tube with rotating seeds inside; this creates a sound similar to that of the rain. Such a toy will pleasantly surprise every child and possibly an adult as well. Cotton or silk bed sheets, clothes, and bags will also make great return gifts. Those looking for something more valuable, might need to look for some local pearl necklaces or bracelets made from seashells.

    Flights to the Philippines provide an amazing opportunity to spend an engaging, fun, and educational holiday. Easily accessible and comfortable public transport, along with high quality customer services will guarantee an enjoyable holiday experience, filled with memorable moments, from beginning to end.

    In the Low Price Calendar you can see lowest prices for flights to Philippines cities found within past 48 hours.

    Click on the price to see flight details belongs to UAB "Baltic Clipper"

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