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Cheap Flights to Kazakhstan from €246.23

Best offers to Kazakhstan cities
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Useful advice for travelling to Kazakhstan (KZ)

Seemingly never-ending steppes and deserts that are only hindered by the mountains and lone lakes all together express just one side of Kazakhstan. Another one is comprised of aesthetically pleasing eclectic cities that are full of modern skyscrapers, intricately shaped buildings, and various parks and monuments. Cheap flights to Kazakhstan provide a perfect opportunity to get close to stunning contrasts of the wanderers’ land that is Kazakhstan, and leave your footprint on the wild and untamed open spaces of the country.

Preparing for the trip

Before you start your journey, you must first acquire a visa. It is usually issued in a week’s time, and the visa is valid for up to 30 days. It is best to purchase your planes tickets after receiving your visa. Lastly, you will need to register at the Migration Police within 5 days after arrival.

In the case of you arriving through yellow fever infected territories, you will need to provide a respective vaccination certificate. You should also get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, and renew your vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus if necessary.

Transportation and travel charges

The best ways to go from city to city in Kazakhstan are to use planes, trains, buses, or rental cars. Bigger cities will also offer trolleybus, taxi, and high-speed train services. Road quality varies from area to area and mostly depends on seasonal influences.

The official local currency is the Kazakhstani tenge (KZT). One tenge is equal to approximately 0.006 euro. Living costs Kazakhstan are lower than in Lithuania. For example, you can have lunch in a cheap restaurant for 2 000 tenge and buy a cappuccino for about 650. In local shops, a 1.5 litre water bottle will cost you 136 tenge; you can buy one kilogram of rice for about 214 tenge, while one kilogram of cheese will cost you approximately 1 436 tenge. Public transport tickets cost 80 tenge, and a one kilometre long taxi ride will cost you approximately a 100.

Additional information:

  • Official language is Kazakh. Most locals are also fluent in Russian.
  • Kazakhstan belongs to the UTC +6 time zone, which is switched to UTC +5 at summer.
  • Direct distance from Vilnius to Kazakhstan’s capital Astana amounts to 2861 kilometres.
  • Best return gifts choices

    You loved ones and friends will be pleasantly surprised with warm gifts from Kazakhstan: wool vests, rugs or footwear. Kazakh silk is also very highly regarded around the globe, especially its products that are batik-decorated. Leather canteens and dried meat products will make practical return gifts that will please every seasoned traveller.

    If you’re keenly looking for unusual travel directions, flights to Kazakhstan are perfect for you. Here, you will find emerald green lakes, freedom-emanating wilderness, huge horse herds, snowy mountains, and unbelievably hospitable locals, who will tell you all about exotic local culture and the history of the wanderers.

    In the Low Price Calendar you can see lowest prices for flights to Kazakhstan cities found within past 48 hours.

    Click on the price to see flight details belongs to UAB "Baltic Clipper"

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